Schedule a Reading with CWA
Timed readings and virtual and in person spell consultations are available via Ritualcravt.
The Ancestral Connection Reading
The Ancestral Connection Reading is a space in which I will be the vessel for your ancestors to say what is needed to you, to hold space for your difficulties in connecting with them, and providing you with guidance moving forward to cultivate a stronger connection with them.
These readings are for those who are not yet sure in how they communicate with their ancestral team, who need confirmation, or those who are just curious about what may kind of messages come through.
Ancestral Connection Readings are a space to facilitate comfortable conversations on what your guides want to say to you, how to connect further with them, and receive advice on methods for communication that you may not have access to.
These readings are geared towards creating a container that can run from thirty to forty five minutes long, in which CWA will pull cards, ask questions, and provide exercises and more to assist in connecting to ancestors. These are not traditional tarot readings, rather they are a space to cultivate a relationship with and for your ancestors. This will be a vessel.
Please read policies and disclaimers before scheduling.
One-on-One Consultation
One-on-one consultations are an hour long space that is for questions you may have about anything - spirit communication, saint work, ancestral veneration, how to work with plant allies in a more in-depth way.
Making room for any concerns you may have that we can address. Similar to the Spell Consultations I offer exclusively through Ritualcravt, one-on-one consults can be tailored around what you feel you need advice in, then providing guidance on moving forward.
Please read policies and disclaimers before scheduling.